Premium: Auto Plus – Classic plus Excess Buy Back 

Plan 1 – Vehicle with sum assured greater than 8 million Naira (3% of vehicle value)

Plan 2 – Vehicle with sum assured between 4 million Naira – 8 million Naira (3.5% of vehicle value)

Plan 3 – Vehicle with sum assured less than 4 million Naira (4% of vehicle value)



Third party property damage: 1 Million

Third party bodily injury and death: 60 Million

Theft of the insured vehicle

Fire damage to the insured vehicle

Accidental damage

Free tracking installation for vehicles of at least N3 million in value.

25% concession for cost of tracker for vehicles valued between N2 million and N3 million

Medical expenses: N25,000.00

Permanent Disability Benefit

Strike, Riot & Civil Commotion (SRCC): Free

Towing Benefit: N20,000.00

Replacement vehicle (10 days): N3 million & above in value

Excess buyback: 1% of vehicle value added

Flood, Storm & Tempest: 0.25%